How do I download data to TSManager? (Manual method)
Note: This procedure is only necessary if the touch screen is NOT on the same network as the PC running TSManager. If the PC and the screen are on the same network, data can be downloaded through TSManager directly.
First, collect data from the touch screen as follows:
Insert a USB drive into one of the ports on the rear of the touch screen.
Go to the menu list and select “Shutdown.”
Select “Yes” to confirm. This will bring up the Windows CE interface.
Double-tap “My Device.”
Look for “Storage Card.” If that is not available, look for “HardDisk.” Double-tap it to open.
Highlight the subfolder that matches your device name (e.g. DW9130)
Tap “Edit” on the menu bar, then double-tap “Copy” from the dropdown menu.
Go to the tool bar across the top and tap the Up icon (folder with green arrow). This brings you back to the original “My Device” view.
Double-tap the USB Drive.
Tap “Edit” on the menu bar, then double-tap “Paste” from the dropdown menu. This will paste the copied folder onto the drive (If necessary, tap “Yes” to overwrite the old file).
To restart the program, double-tap the icon to the left of the time at the bottom of the screen.
Double-tap “OK” to reboot the screen.
Remove the USB Drive from the touch screen.
Then, transfer the information to your PC as follows:
Insert the USB drive into your PC.
Copy the folder to C:\SSi\TSManager\TSScreens\ (if your TSManager software is installed on a different location, use that location and drive letter).
Rename the pasted folder to a name that matches the name of the equipment used in TSManager.
Launch TSManager (typically at C:\SSi\TSManager\TSManager.exe).
NOTE: If this is the first time you are viewing this data from TSManager, you must first add the Equipment. When creating the Equipment, add only the Name; leave the Model as “Not Specified.”
From the menu bar, select Tools > Communications > Advanced Download & Maintenance.
Use the first drop-down to select your Equipment. Use the second drop-down to select Disk Source. Then click the ”…” icon to navigate to the file path where you just saved the data from the touchscreen.
The content area of the window should now automatically populate. Select “Download” to transfer the data into TSManager, and select “Done” when finished.
NOTE: You may need to close and reopen TSManager to view the new data.
NOTE: If this is the first time viewing this data in TSManager, you may have to click File > Open in the menu bar to select the appropriate trend chart.