4.10 Estimated Energy Usage
The aim of this function is to have an estimation of the energy consumption of the controlled process. By setting a nominal power of the load the controller is able to calculate the integral of the ON time period of a selected output.
Two totalisers are provided in operator level to display partial and total counting values. The purpose of this feature is to provide visual feedback on the energy being consumed so that any deviation observed from the average value can alert you to possible problems in the process.
In Configuration Level, section 5.2.21:
1. Use P81 to define the output (normally heating) on which the load is to be monitored
2. Enter the nominal load power in KW in P82.
In Levels 1 & 2:
1. E.Par is a totaliser which estimates the energy usage for individual batches .
2. E.tot a totaliser which estimates the energy usage for the whole process.
These parameters may also be displayed in the second and third lines of the display. This is configured using P codes P74 and P75, section 5.2.19.
E.Par and E.tot are reset using the Energy Counter Reset parameter E.rSt available in Level 2.
E.tot can only be reset after E.Par has been reset and its contents are equal to zero. There is a window of approximately 10 seconds in which to reset the Total counter before the Partial counter starts to count again and its contents become greater than zero.
P71, P72 or P73 can customise one of the function buttons or the Page button to access the Reset parameter.