7.2.11 Effect of Control Action, Hysteresis and Deadband

For temperature control, the action is that the heater power decreases as the PV increases. For an on/off controller output 1 (usually heat) will be on (100%) when PV is below the setpoint and output 2 (usually cool) will be on when PV is above the setpoint.


Hysteresis applies to on/off control only. It defines the difference in temperature between the output switching off and switching back on again. The examples below show the effect in a heat/cool controller.


Deadband can operate on both on/off control or PID control where it has the effect of widening the period when no heating or cooling is applied. However, in PID control its effect is modified by both the integral and derivative terms. Deadband might be used in PID control, for example, where actuators take time to complete their cycle thus ensuring that heating and cooling are not being applied at the same time. Deadband is likely to be used, therefore, in on/off control only. The second example below adds a deadband of 20 to the above example.


Deadband OFF



Deadband ON